Best Homemade Bagel Recipe

Best Homemade Bagel Recipe

Best Homemade Bagel RecipeWhat is the best homemade bagel recipe? How do I make bagels at home? Check out my 2021 updated guide to making the best homemade bagels…

 Is there a better way to start the day than with a fresh bagel? I certainly don’t think so.

A delicious canvas that allows whatever spread you have on hand to dance across it, a bagel is a beautiful breakfast.

Still, unlike more orthodox bread, we don’t really see home cooks attempting to make them all too often. Given their glamorous nature, strewn across the bustling streets of New York, perhaps people fear they’re too difficult to make.

Well, as much as I sympathize with that viewpoint, they couldn’t be more wrong.

Indeed, you can quite easily whip up a low-fat bagel at home in order to battle those mid-morning desires. We’ve all been there, after all. You can start the day right with some healthy cereal, or a bowl of fruit with fat-free yogurt, but your stomach starts rumbling and you dive into something that ruins your good work.

So, the point of this recipe is to help out. Boasting only 40g of carbohydrates and 1g of fat, these homemade bagels are absolutely glorious, offering you a fresh start to the day without compromising on flavor.

Homemade Bagel : The Recipe

Homemade Bagel : Cooking Time

Homemade Bagel: The Ingredients

Homemade Bagel: Step-By-Step Guide

Phew, so we got there in the end.

As you can see, it’s pretty easy but there are a lot of steps. Nothing too taxing, no, but a lot of things to remember. However, DON’T let that put you off. It’s effectively just like making any dough but then you must cook that in boiling water to get the desired effect before placing them in the oven.

Homemade Bagel: Pro Tips

Frequently Asked Questions

Sure! These can be frozen (though I’d advise you to wrap them in a bag first to avoid the dough breaking) for up to 3 months. It’s important to remember, however, to thaw these out in the refrigerator for a few hours before baking again.

Unless you’re planning on freezing them obviously, then yes it’s important to use your bagels within days. If left for much longer than that, they’ll harden up!

Again, providing your plan isn’t to freeze them, make sure to put your bagels in a bag and put them on the side in your kitchen. Keeping them at room temperature might not sound like a good idea and all, but the key is to avoid the refrigerator at all costs. If you put them in there, they’ll harden up even faster.

The name of the game here is to try and keep your bagels away from moisture in the air. With that in mind, roll them up tightly in a bag in order to shut them out from the world. Effectively, make your own little bread bin!

Alternatively, you can squeeze a drop of lemon juice if you’re looking to use them relatively quickly, much as you’d do with an avocado.

Recommended Cookware

The good thing is, there isn’t a huge amount of cookware you need to start buying in order to get delicious homemade bagels. That’s the joy of baking, to be honest. A few wise of investments at the start of your journey should pretty much sort you out, so make sure you get it right.

Wire rack

An absolute Godsend, to be perfectly honest.

You might think you can cool your dishes on pretty much everything and, while that is true to a certain extent, you’ll never get the benefits of a wire rack.

As simple as they are, they allow the air to completely circulate around the foodstuff on it, meaning your bagels (or whatever else you’ve baked) will cool quicker and more efficiently than leaving it on the countertop.

Baking tray

Another thing that sounds basic but, if you’re serious about baking, arming yourself with an amazing set of trays is hugely important.

Stainless steel trays don’t create chemicals when placed in the oven at high temperatures so they’re safe to use. Indeed, they’re also crafted in a way to allow hot air to circulate evenly, making sure everything is cooked at the same place.

Easy to clean in that they sit in a dishwasher care-free, baking trays are absolutely essential.

Large bowl

Again, you’re probably going to think you’ve got a bowl perfectly suited to baking things like homemade bagels, but don’t get complacent here.

Something like a 5-quart mixing bowl is a lifesaver. The whole point in making dough is allowing it to expand and breathe, so limiting the space in which it can do that defeats your main objective here.

Homemade Bagels: Final Thoughts and Conclusions

It seems like a lot, we know.

But all you’re really doing here is making a dough, blasting it in some boiling water and then baking them. Pretty simple stuff when you think about it!

Absolutely lovely stuff and so rewarding. These easy-to-make homemade bagels really lift the mood in the morning and, crucially, are really rather healthy. They’ll stave off mid-morning hunger pains and leave you satisfied for the day ahead.

The exciting bit here is that they are only half-done too! You’ve made yourself a lovely little pillow ready to offer any spread or seed the fluffiest bed in which to sit, with the filing being your choice!

We’ve given you the tools put you are the artist here. Anything that tickles your fancy will taste amazing in these.

An absolutely amazing thing to make, all you need to do is to get yourself the right baking tools.


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