What is the best strawberry crepe cake recipe? How do I make the best strawberry crepe cake? Check out our 2021 updated guide…
Making a crepe cake is nowhere near as difficult as it sounds. Indeed, with just the smallest touch of technique, you can make absolutely amazing crepe cakes that look like they should be in the window of a bakery in some kind of Disney movie.
Still, just because it’s simple, that doesn’t mean it’s done quickly. No, no, no, in order to get the absolute best end product, you must take some time crafting your art. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so they say.
Part of their wonderful allure is, of course, is their stunning design.
Stacked up like some ancient tower of tasty texture, crepe cakes are visually pleasing. Just as much a treat for the eyes as they are for the tastebuds, you’re sure to feel like you’ve truly achieved something when you start tucking in.
Make sure to take photos. Lots and lots of photos.
Table of Contents
What Is A Crepe Cake?
A crepe cake is effectively lots of crepes stacked high to create a multi-storey dessert. They are generally light in both taste and texture, but you can freely use more traditional cake fillings.
The key is to define the layers, Rather than one big stodgy mess, you want a balance of flavors in order to keep the density down, so things like fruit, a light chocolate or buttercream are perfect.
Stll, if you use fresh fruit just keep in mind the moisture, Naturally, they have a lot more water in them, so you’d need to be careful on that so as not to ruin the overall end product.
Strawberry Crepe Cake : The Recipe
Cake Mixture
- 5 large eggs
- 2.5 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 tablespoons of white sugar
- ½ teaspoon of kosher salt
- 2.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 1 cup whole milk
- ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter (or as much as you need)
Fruit Mixture
- 1 jar of strawberry jam (you could even use chilli jam if you wanted to spice it up)
- 2 tablespoons of water
Cream Filling
- 1 cup of mascarpone cheese
- 3 tablespoons of white sugar
- 1.5 cups of double cream
- ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract
Strawberry Crepe Cake: Step-By-Step Guide

- Put eggs, flour, salt, oil and milk and half of the vanilla extract into a blender.
- Blend (start low and get faster) until everything is combined nicely
- Place in the refrigerator for half an hour (30 minutes)
- Place jam into a saucepan
- Bring to a simmer (medium/low heat)
- Leave for one minute
- Stir
- Take off the heat
- Let the jam cool on the countertop
- Melt butter (or use a pastry bush if you have one) in a skillet
- Pour in roughly a quarter of the batter you blended earlier
- Keep tilting the pan so it is coated evenly (like you’re making pancakes)
- Cook (medium heat) until it starts to bubble
- Transfer to a baking sheet lined with baking paper
- Let it cool for 15 minutes
- Repeat for the remaining three quarters
- For the cream filling, mix the cheese, cream, sugar and vanilla in a bowl
- Whisk until light
- Lay one crepe on a plate. Then scoop in cream mixture
- Add a tablespoon of jam
- Repeat with all of your crepes
- Stack the crepes high
- Once stacked, place in the refrigerator to harden up for 30 minutes
- Garnish before serving with fresh strawberries
The Best Strawberry Crepe Cakes: Pro Tips
For the best crepe cakes, there are some tips we can gleefully share with you.
- When you’ve stacked your crepes up, take a pan (make sure it’s not hot, such as the one you used to fry the crepes) and press down on the cake in order to keep its shape.
- Use buttercream instead of double cream for more of a traditional cake filling.
- Use a chilli jam in order to spice the cake up a bit, if your guests like that kind of thing!
- Don’t feel afraid to cook your crepes in batches. Even if you’re only doing two or three at a time, you don’t want to risk overcrowding the pan because then you won’t get deliciously browned crepes.
- Use a crunchy rock salt rather than regular old kosher salt. Offering a far more rustic feel, they are so much better to bite into.
Recommended Cookware
Even though we’re baking here, there’s nothing major that you need to arm your kitchen with you’re not already likely to have lying about the house.
A large skillet is always good (personally, I prefer the non-stick kind of this particular dish in order to get those crepes really brown) while it’s also incredibly helpful to buy baking paper in bulk so you’re not having to risk rushing back to the grocery store when you inevitably forget to pick it up on your way home from work.
Another thing to recommend is a nice cake dish. If you’re going to go through the effort of crafting an amazing crepe cake, it deserves to sit on this kind of throne!
It is also worth mentioning that getting yourself a good blender is absolutely crucial. To that end, a Ninja Professional Countertop Blender is your best bet. Sure, you might think it sounds a little bit over the top but these are so useful.
Able to whip up your cake filling, as well as make delicious smoothies, they are so worth the money.
How To Store Strawberry Crepe Cake ?
How do I store crepe cakes?
Never leave your crepe cakes on the countertop.
Given the cream involved, you don’t want to risk that turning bad and affecting you and your guests. Bad cream is no laughing matter and it can make you unpleasantly ill, so make sure to stick it in the refrigerator.
They can be frozen too but they must (and I repeat MUST) be thawed out in the refrigerator, That way, the cream doesn’t risk turning bad.
As you can see, cream is king in the complicated world of crepe cakes.
Frequently Asked Questions
So, let’s get to some questions.
- Why are crepe cakes usually so expensive?
Due to the manual labor involved in actually designing the cake, you’re pretty much paying for the hours put in by whoever is making it. Luckily for you, with this recipe, you’re saving money and putting your culinary skills to the test.
What’s better than that?
- Why has my crepe cake gone hard?
As is often the case when it comes to making any kind of dessert, overcooking is the main problem here. Ensure to cook your crepes on a medium heat and don’t feel afraid to lower it should you feel they are browning too quickly for your liking.
Remember, the crepes should be tender and light.
- How long can crepe cakes last?
To be perfectly honest, it’s always best to eat a crepe cake as soon as humanly possible, as your eyes and stomach will naturally tell you when you first see the finished product.
Failing that, you could store it for up to three days in the refrigerator. Don’t leave it on the countertop otherwise you risk the cream inside turning bad, which could make you and guests really quite ill.
- My crepe cakes are buttery, how do I fix this?
Like with any question, the answer is: use more butter.
Increasing how much butter you use will generally help with getting the desired texture. In order to ensure this, it’s generally a good idea to butter whatever skillet you’re using at the start.
- Can you freeze crepe cakes?
However, you have to make sure they’re wrapped tightly in plastic wrap. In my experience, I’ve always found it better to slice the cake first so it freezes evenly. When it comes to defrosting, make sure the cake thaws out in the refrigerator for the sake of the cream.
Strawberry Crepe Cake Recipe Final Thoughts
So, as you’ll have gleaned from this recipe, crepe cakes are actually pretty easy to do.
Indeed, it’s a labor of love no doubt but it’s not as if you have to do a huge amount other than a lot of stacking. Clearly, they take a while to make but there’s not as if there’s a lot of technical skill involved, it’s just getting that technique right.
Hopefully, you’ll have enjoyed this recipe and now you’re on your way to making great crepe cakes!
Don’t forget, you can really do this with any fruit or even a light chocolate, so once you’ve got the technique and patience down, the world really is your oyster.
Happy baking!